Hello! First of all, I want to say thank you so much for visiting
my website-it's such an honor. You may be wondering who is Whitney?
What is her message? Why has she chosen the word MORE for her
speaking ministry? Well, I would love to share my story with you.
In 2013, I was diagnosed with a rare gene mutation. In fact, it was so
rare I was the first person diagnosed with it. This disease is a Primary
Immune Deficiency and it's so horrific that I should have not survived my
mother's pregnancy. Today, I'm 30 years old, healthy, and thriving
because of God's healing touch on my life.
After years of research on this new disease, I was invited to give the new
phenomena a name. I chose to call it "MAGIS Syndrome," which in
Latin means "more." I gave it this name in hopes that it will give future
patients who are diagnosed with MAGIS Syndrome the assurance that
they are MORE than their disease.
After living a childhood filled with surgeries, hospital visits, school
absences, and unanswered questions, I have found my voice. I have
started my writing career, been blessed to win an award at a writers
conference, and now speak to audiences worldwide. Isn't that just like
God to take a girl who the world sees as "less than," and create her to
be MORE?
I don't know why or how you stumbled upon my webpage, but I believe
it's for a reason. You may never have heard the truth that the mountain
you're facing today didn't form without God's stamp of approval. He
knows you can not only handle it, but you will overcome it. Maybe you
have heard this message and the reason you found my page is because
you needed this reminder.
If you are facing a mountain, you will victoriously stand on top of
it as a conqueror with a testimony to proclaim to others. How is this
possible you may ask? Well, you guessed it. Because you are...MORE!